Design Principles - Final Project

 05.02.2024 -  24.03.2024 / Week 5 - Week 7

Liang Lina / 0347076 / Bachelor of Design(Honours) in Creative Meida

Design Principls

Final Project


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Links to task1

Links to task2

Links to task3 and final design from task 3

Final design
Fig. 1.1 SEA OTTER (21.03.2024 WEEK 7)

Final reflection
1.What have I learnt in this module?
  I learnt something from this module, there are rules and principles in any poster, we can find these principles in many works, different works have different design principles, design elements, but in the end, a good poster can always let people see its highlights at a glance. After studying this module I know the professional names of these highlights, and it allows me to introduce my own design work to others with logic, rather than blindly.

2.What did I enjoy The most
  I really like the one-on-one aspect of the class, it's very private and allows us to connect and communicate better with the tutor. The tutor also gives more precise guidance and advice to give me the most help, help that is specific to my personal situation.

3.What did I not enjoy The most
  What I disliked the most, I don't think there was one, I think everything about the course was very satisfying, although I wasn't clear enough about the details of my blog at the beginning, the tutor's carefulness allowed me to complete my blog very well in the following weeks and didn't have any further problems.

4.What have I learnt about myself through this module
  Through this unit I think that I have not been attentive enough at times as the tutor is very responsible for our blog, this makes me think that my lack of attentiveness is problematic and I think that I can improve and I am already implementing it.

5.What has changed and what has not in my learning journey?
  During this learning process, I was much more conscientious and positive in approaching my tasks with every feedback in class. And I was dragging my feet until after 5PM in WEEK2 and WEEK3 to get one-on-one with the teacher, but in the later weeks, I insisted on getting my assignments done before class and getting one-on-one with the teacher early in class.
  The one thing that hasn't changed is that I've been arriving to class early every week and haven't been late.

6.What could  be improved in this module?
  Well, I think this module is very good, not only there is a teacher video explaining the PDF, there is also a video telling us how we should start our blog, every step is very clear. If I have to say what can be improved, I think we can put some blog examples on the teams, because at the beginning I just don't understand how to express the details of the blog.

Links to task3 and final design from task 3

Final design
Fig. 2.1 SEA OTTER (21.03.2024 WEEK 7)
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