Design Principles -Task 2 Visual Analysis

29.02.2024 - 07.03.2024  / Week 4 - Week 5

Liang Lina / 0347076 / Bachelor of Design(Honours) in Creative Meida

Design Principles

Task 2 Visual Analysis


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Task 2 brief
In task1 we chose a theme from UNSDG and selected the poster that best fits the theme out of several posters. Now in task 2, I will be looking at posters, describing and analysing related design works and exploring the meaning of design.

Final Poster:
Fig 1.1 Final Poster(22.02.2024-Week 3)
Title of work:Encroach on Culture
author:Yu-Ci Ye

This 《Encroach on Culture》 poster by Yu-Ci Ye depicts the whaling culture of Japan, and my favourite part is the poster with the chopsticks, which gives me a very cruel feeling.
This design work uses a style that is on the symbolic side, in the drawing you can see a pair of red chopsticks holding a whale made up of sketches, the whale is dripping blood, the projection on the ground looks like a cutlery and the whale is being held up from the cutlery as there is also a puddle of blood in the centre of the projection, in my opinion.

The design is contrasting, especially in the use of colours, he uses very few colours to depict the cruelty, the chopsticks, the blood and the word in the upper right hand corner are in red, the whole background is in black, the whale and the plate are in white; he uses a pair of chopsticks, the chopsticks give the impression that they are moving(Movement) and they are only half a pair of chopsticks but they are holding the whale, which is dripping blood, which is shown as a downward movement onto the plate. The blood is dripping, and the blood is dripping down onto the plate. At the same time, he uses the white whale to emphasise the innocence of the sea creatures, and the whale is his subject matter, the whole picture presents a kind of harmony and unity. It also implies that people's behaviour is destructive to the whale and to the marine life, and it attracts people's attention in the first place, focusing on the whale.

Fig.1.2 Encroach on Culture (29.02.2024-Week 4)
 Fig.1.3 Encroach on Culture (29.02.2024-Week 4)

This is a design submitted to the RED DOT DESIGN AWARD in 2019, and I find that this illustration's symbol-biased style reflects a style of Minimalism (Fig.1.2 and Fig.1.3), which arose in the 1960s and is one of the major genres of 20th century modern art. I think this style is very suitable for this kind of theme, and I think to express cruelty, sometimes it doesn't need to be expressed in a complicated way, just the fact of cruelty needs to be laid out very directly.This Minimalism style poster not only makes people look straight at the cruelty of Japan's whaling culture, but also brings this style to the forefront.

Note:   Quote from the author (GEGEXUEJIE) of the answer to the question
            Specific references are from the book by Georgina Baidolino: Saper vedere i movimenti artistici

Week4:   This week I went ahead and wrote what I thought was blog task 2 and didn't put it off until 6pm to show it to my teacher, but my teacher said that I hadn't put the other two design pieces up and that I had put OBSERVATION, ANALYSIS and INTERPRETATION together, which caused my blog to look a bit confusing, heeding my teacher's instructions I split this up into three paragraphs and uploaded the other two design pieces.

Week5:   In week 5 I think I'm getting into the swing of things, my blog and I have a clear idea of the design principles, at the very least I haven't made too many mistakes, and have gone ahead and finished my blog, and my analyses, with very little to add.

I did improve my speed in task2 by getting my blogt task2 done ahead of time and didn't have to wait until 6pm again to show my blog to the teacher, I went up to the queue and waited for it in less than 4pm but I was in too much of a hurry which made my blogt task2 look a bit messy, this was caused by my carelessness as the teacher had already emphasised this to us last week but I didn't listen to it fully, this is my problem and I will continue to rectify it.

Sources of inspiration

Regarding this this task2, there wasn't really a lot of sources of inspiration, the two weeks were mostly spent analysing the poster I ended up choosing and other works of the author of the poster I chose, but I had to find the actual author which was a very difficult thing to do, at the very least for me, so I ended up going to some design competitions to find some works. Then I had to do some analyses, where I first searched directly for art genres and got a simple list from Knowledge, then I found a book that describes the genres, works from 2016, that describes the art genres in a very detailed way, which allowed me to write my analyses proceeding in a more fluent way.

Quote from the author (GEGEXUEJIE) of the answer to the question
Specific references are from the book by Georgina Baidolino: Saper vedere i movimenti artistici
