Design Principles - Task 3 Design

14.03.2024 -  21.03.2024 / Week 6 - Week 8

Liang Lina / 0347076 / Bachelor of Design(Honours) in Creative Meida

Design Principls



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Task 3 brief

In task3, we need to make a design poster related to our topic, so I need to find some inspirational source maps, do some sketching design, some hand-drawn or electronic sketches, when my final design poster is finished, I need to analyse my poster for a design principle, as well as a description, significance and purpose of my poster.

Visual Reference

I chose a number of images to use as my inspiration, which included the layout of the images, the main body of the poster, including secondary subjects. This includes photos, design posters, etc.

Fig 1.1 Inspiration Reference(14.03.2024-Week 6)

Fig 1.2 Inspiration Reference(14.03.2024-Week 6)

Fig 1.3 Inspiration Reference(14.03.2024-Week 6)

Fig 1.4 Inspiration Reference(14.03.2024-Week 6)

Fig 1.5 Inspiration Reference(14.03.2024-Week 6)


I tried to start with a simple draft of a figure to show my teacher, and I wanted my subject to be a bound kaiser, by items such as nets, ropes, or hooks.

Fig 2.1 Sketches1(14.03.2024-Week 6)
Design Description: My initial idea was a sea otter filled with garbage, and then a fishing hook pierced its body. The sea otter is bleeding.

Fig 2.2 Sketches2(14.03.2024-Week 6)
Design Description: I directly copied this picture based on the photo, a sea otter caught in a fishing net, using a white heart jumper and a red background, mainly protruding the main sea otter

Fig 2.3 Sketches3(14.03.2024-Week 6)
Design Description: This was my initial idea. A sea otter was pierced by a fishing hook, and in front of it was a pile of garbage. I think this is the biggest problem of polluting the sea.

Final Poster
A4 size:
Fig 3.1 sea otter(21.03.2024-Week 7)


I think the final design poster for this project adopts a flattened style, and the letters HELP can be seen in the picture! A fishing hook pierced through the sea otter and was bleeding, and the garbage was also filling the body of the sea otter. And the design elements are clearly contrasting. In terms of the main body and background, the colors of the main sea otter, including garbage, are quite prominent, but the entire background adopts a very light color. The pierced wound had blood sliding down the body (moving), and blood dripping onto the ground, forming a pool of blood. At the same time, it uses black HELP! The composition of the fish hook emphasizes that this is human harm to the ocean, and the entire picture presents a harmonious unity, implying people's pollution of the ocean and harm to marine life. At the bottom of the poster, there is also a line of text that calls on people to protect the ocean!

WEEK 6:  In this week, I showed the draft of my design to my teacher and he said that if I want a minimalist style, I should reduce the details of my picture, my current draft has too many details and I have too few sketch drawings, instead of step-by-step drawings, I need a few more sketches of the same idea of the same subject, and then put that my teacher will give me some ideas from my ideas to cut or add certain objects from the middle.

WEEK 7:I had said I'd show my drafts to my teacher early this week, but I'm doing it too slowly because last week I only came up with one sketch, and this week I need a minimum of three, and I need to make changes to my sketches from last week. The most difficult thing is that the poster I made was too comprehensive, but thank you to the teacher for explaining to me what a sketch is.

In the whole task3, the most difficult thing is to make a sketch, according to my previous experience, it's from the initial to the final completion of a draft, that's what I understand as a sketch, but it's not, it can only be said that it's a process diagram, so I need to design a few simple solutions to facilitate the teacher to analyse for me, but I accidentally completed too much in the PS, and made it directly to a completion of the diagram, so I need to go back to some steps to re-go back to complete my task.

Sources of inspiration
Regarding task3, I don't have many sources of inspiration from text. I mainly use pictures to stimulate my ideas and interests. I create a poster through pictures, and I have processed the content I want to put in my poster. However, there are some that are not suitable, so I chose several inspiration source pictures. These pictures are all selected based on my theme, such as sea otters wrapped in fishing nets, beach garbage, etc., all of which are inspiration source pictures selected for my theme. I think they are pretty good.
