Packaging & Merchandising Design - Project 2

25/04/2024- (week 1 - week 5)
Liang Lina 0347076 
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media 
Packaging & Merchandising Design - Week 1 / Task 1
Project 2

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In the third week, we had a lottery for project 2 and I was placed in the third group. I needed to create packaging for the food item OKARA BALLS.
In week 5 we attended the conference and dealt for the first time with the food science team who presented their current food work.
For us design students, we had to build and create a food packaging design for the final product.
In group 3, I had a group member, but we each needed to create our own packaging design.

Mood board:

In follow-up, the Food Science team had a separate meeting with us and explained their products in detail and made a selection of food brands. In the end, the brand name OKare was chosen, where e is French with a little bit on the head.

But at this point in time XinYan and I thought we were going to co-create a package, so we shared the same mood board and created something separately.
Fig. 1.1 mood board

But in class we shared mood boards to show to Mr.Shamsul but Mr.Shamsul said that we need to do the packaging design individually and it is not a team work so we can only use the same mood board but we need to do our own product packaging.
Fig. 1.2 Refernce
Here's my reference, I drew on the background colour of the packaging in the top right corner, which I think is softer.

Logo and Type:
Fig. 2.1 sketch
I tried several fonts for the brand name and in the subheadings and body text and settled on a few.

Regarding the position of the brand name and the food name at the beginning is as follows:
Fig. 2.2 sketch

Fig. 2.3 sketch

But after Mr.Shamsul  feedback and comments, I tried to move Okara balls over the brand name OKare.
But okara balls I tried with two fonts and settled on the secomd one.
Fig. 2.4 sketch

Fig. 2.5 Final sketch
Product Packaging Design
Before I tried the final logo, I did try a draft with simple lines, front and back.
Fig. 3.1 Layout attempt sketch

Then I did digitise it and did a layout inside Adobe Photoshop.
Since I chose PET as the material for the packaging, which is a frozen vegan croquette, I didn't need to design the box this time, just the front and back.
Fig. 3.2 Layout attempt1

Fig. 3.3 Layout attempt2

But the results didn't seem to be satisfactory, so I tried making the meatballs bigger and taking over the bottom of the frame.
Fig. 3.4 Layout attempt3

Then based on Mr.Shamsul's comments and feedback, I made changes.
This is how I presented this packaging design at the conference, my layout and presentation on PET material.
Fig. 3.5 finalisation 1

Fig. 3.5 Final packaging 1 Front
Fig. 3.6 Final packaging 1 back

But I still need to make a little minor changes, for example I need to put the logo on the back to the front as it is a requirement for Malaysian food, this is the feedback I got from the meeting, so I made very minor changes.


Fig. 4.1 finalisation 2 front and back

Fig. 4.2 Final packaging 2 Front
Fig. 4.3 Final packaging 2 Back

Fig. 4.4 Planogram

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This project is a collaborative project. This is the first time I have collaborated with other professional groups in school. This is a very interesting project. I need a lot of thinking and thinking about a more perfect packaging layout. I found the pictures Whether it is appropriate or not, it also increases communication experience.

In this project, I observed that Malaysian food products need to have some specific logos, and they need to be placed on the front. And I have observed that on packaging, we need to be as concise as possible and clearly highlight our brand.

In this project, I found that whether you are designing a box or plastic packaging, you need to reserve a certain position to ensure that your brand and product name are fully displayed on the packaging.
