Digital Photography and Imaging Final Project

 09/06/2023-07/07/2023 (week 10- week 14)

Liang Lina 0347076

Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media 
Digital Photography and Imaging 

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Week 10:
Class Summary: Photoshop was used this week to animate and GiF. In the class, the teacher went over every step in detail. Including how we should key out the characters, how to fill the background, and how we should make the characters move inside Photoshop.
Fig. 10.1 Reference Photos   Week 10(09/06/2023)
Fig. 10.2 Exercise Video 1  Week 10(09/06/2023)
Fig. 10.3 Exercise Video 2  Week 10(09/06/2023)

We made GIFs using this photo, but I'm not sure if it will move here.
Fig. 10.4 Reference Photos   Week 10(09/06/2023)
Fig. 10.5 Exercise Gif  Week 10(09/06/2023)

Week 11:
Class Summary: This week we learnt new software, Adobe After Effects, which is a software for making videos. The teacher shared a psd file with us in class and we had to import the psd file into After Effects and make an animation.

Fig. 11.1 Poster  Week 11(16/06/2023)
Fig. 11.2 Exercise Process 1 Week 11(16/06/2023)
Fig. 11.3 Exercise Process 2 Week 11(16/06/2023)
Fig. 11.4 Exercise Week 11(16/06/2023)

Week 12: 
Class Summary: Our main task this week was to get a photo of ourselves for the Final project poster and video, our teacher gave us an afternoon and I ended up with three of the photos I wanted.
Fig 12.1 Photos 1  Week 12(23/06/2023)
Fig. 12.2 Photos 2 Week 12(23/06/2023)
Fig. 12.3 Photos 3 Week 12(23/06/2023)

Week 13:  
Class Summary: This week we are going to send our posters made with our photos to our teachers to look at and wait for them to give us feedback and make changes.
Fig. 13.1 Poster 1  Week 13(30/06/2023)
Fig. 13.2 Poster 2 modified in class  Week 13(30/06/2023)

Since I was not satisfied with my poster, I revised it after class and made two posters, and after getting feedback from the instructor I chose one of them and animated it.
Fig. 13.3 Poster 3 Week 13(30/06/2023)
Fig. 13.4 Poster 4 Week 13(30/06/2023)
Fig. 13.4 Final Poster 3 in Photoshop Week 13(30/06/2023)
Fig. 13.5 Final Poster 3 Week 13(30/06/2023)
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Week 14: 
Class Summary: This week we showed the teacher the video we had already made in class and then the teacher provided us with feedback, he said that for my animation, the head is open so there should be something in there and that this is a surrender, I should put a little bit of something relevant in there, the right cogs and the hour hand could move as well, and that the flag of the surrender could be a little bit slower.
Fig. 14.1 Animated Version 1 Week 14(07/07/2023)

Fig. 14.2 Animated Version 2 Week 14(07/07/2023)

Fig. 14.3 Final Animated Week 14(07/07/2023)


Week 10:
General Feedback:  Learned to make animations and Gifs inside Photoshop this week, as well as having a little problem with my second animation, but solved it without a hitch.
Specific Feedback:

Week 11:
General Feedback:  This week was our first attempt at animating inside After effects and our teacher taught us how to use masks and change aim points.
Specific Feedback:

Week 13:
General Feedback:  This week we need to show the poster to the teacher and get his opinion.
Specific Feedback:  If I want to open up my head, it's smaller and more stuff in there, and then my background needs to be changed.

Week 14:
General Feedback:  Animation takes a bit of time, which is a good idea.
Specific Feedback:  Need to change the screen in the open head, the gears and clocks in all four corners of the whole animation can move, the colour of the tears needs to be changed, the flag of surrender can be slowed down a bit, the overall time is too short, better to change it to more than 10 seconds.


Experience:  I observed that if you want to make a piece of work you need to have a central theme and then all your material can revolve around that idea, not a mess of material from the east and the west, I started out adding a lot of mess to my poster, my teacher showed me some work that he thought was good so I cut a lot of material that I didn't use.

Observation:  I think a good idea is important, you learn to use the software on the one hand, on the other hand, I think you need to learn to think more, to think more about other posters other people's work why is good, learn more from other people's work, observe more things, these will bring some unexpected surprises to your work.

Findings:  I found that a good work needs others to give you some opinions and some ideas, when I was doing the task of Final project, after Mr.Martin's guidance, I found that my work is much better than the first version of the work, the whole effect, the animation shown are better than the first version. So I think we can refer to other people's opinions and feedbacks when we are doing our works, which will let us get some growth.
