Illustration and Visual Narrative & Project 1

05/04/2023-26/04/2023 (week 1- week 4)
Liang Lina / 0347076
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media and Typography
Illustration and Visual Narrative 

Project 1:

Exercise 1: Vormator character

Week 1: In the first week we played a small game to become skilled in the use of lines and dots.

Week 2: In week two we did an exercise where we needed to trace the shape of it. Then to create a character based on the shapes provided.
It can be rotated, copied and flipped.
You can choose the shape you like.
You can scale the size proportionally.
Can be added or subtracted, depending on the combination of elements.
You can choose the colours you like.
Gradients and textures can be used.

As requested by the teacher, we practised more exercises on Adobe Illustrator in class. For example, the flexible use of pens, colour gradients and so on.

Week 3: This week we have been using the characters made by our teacher to work with colour and gradients.

After this, I worked on my character creation. But it was difficult for me because we were restricted to these 8 shapes, so I started my first attempt.

This didn't sit well with me and I didn't think the character itself or the shape was very good, so I did a second build and decided that this was the final character.

Exercise 2:  Illustrated Typeface

Week 4: In this exercise we need to continue to master the AI tools, we need to design and create beautiful illustrations from the words generated inside the illustration generator, this is easier for me because there are not many restrictions, only specific words are restricted.

Hourglass: I love this word and I went on Pinterest to search for some images of hourglasses.

Then I practised by making a wooden hourglass holder, which I thought was time, so I added the sun and the moon to it. What passed was my word "hourglass". Finally I added a background for completeness.

Cub : "Cub" has many meanings in my case, there are animal cubs, lions, tiger cubs, bears, puppies and so on... I wasn't sure what I was going to do, I chose lions first but I felt the result was average.

I preferred the word to be animal cub, which was difficult for me. I ended up choosing another tiger cub, which I thought would be easier for me, I first made the approximate position and object in Ai, then went to photoshop and drew the tiger cub, exported the PNG to fit, then imported it into AI and adjusted the position.

Final Cub:The final submission was this "cub", but I didn't do the 3D or the materials.
