Packaging & Merchandising Design - Final Project

10/07/2024- 24/07/2024 (week 12 - week 14)
Liang Lina 0347076 
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media 
Packaging & Merchandising Design
Final Project 

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Final Project:
We want to create a cohesive brand experience through the product and promotions on the packaging designed by Project2. They will identify opportunities to increase brand awareness, attract new customers and build brand loyalty by designing merchandise and implementing promotional strategies tailored to the target audience and market environment.

My project 2 is Okare Ball

Final packaging design
Fig. 1.1 Final deisgn - Front

Fig. 1.1 Final deisgn - Back

So I looked for some inspiration and reference materials on Pinterest.
Fig. 2.1 Pinterest

After designing the food packaging for the product, we will continue the project by developing one or more sets of products for the food packaging in order to provide a related range of peripherals for the food packaging.

In my idea, I needed something more portable or with a lower production finish, directly related or indirectly related to the product. For example: Pin, work/luggage tag, keychain, etc.

Choosing these delicate and small items can increase the recognition of the brand and have an invisible promotion. Portable items can increase customer stickiness.

So I chose the following items for brand peripheral design.
1. USB drive
2. cans
3. gift tie
4. Work ID luggage tag
5. Pin
6. thermos cup
7. phone case
8. keychain
9. carton

1.Designing Process
After thinking about it, I decided to use my LOGO and product name directly, and apply them to peripheral products just as they look on the packaging.
Fig. 3.1 LOGO

Fig. 3.2 LOGO

Next is the rendering of my product design in Photoshop.
Fig. 3.3 carton

Fig. 3.4 USB drive1

Fig. 3.5 USB drive2

Fig. 3.6 gift tie

Fig. 3.7 Keychain

Fig. 3.8 Pin 1

Fig. 3.8 Pin 2

Fig. 3.9 phone case

Fig. 3.10 thermos cup


Finally, after the teacher's advice, I left the next few peripheral products. Below is its output picture.
Fig. 3.11 Final-Pin

Fig. 3.12 Final-gift tie

Fig. 3.13 Final - phone case

Fig. 3.14 Final-thermos cup

Fig. 3.15 Final-Keychain

Fig. 3.16 Final-carton

Promotional Strategy
Regarding promotional strategies, many samples of peripheral products have been created earlier.

Now I first have to choose one as the main direction in multiple social media, I chose instagram, I think I can put all the peripheral of my products on it, and then make up a very attractive instagram, which can attract a lot of young people to buy.

At the same time, I will choose a large number of places to implement, in the roadside billboards, shopping malls in the aisle, the underground, to lock more potential customers, target groups.

1. Social Media Promotion
Platforms: INSTAGRAM
A highly visual platform perfect for showcasing food through photos and videos. Features include Stories and Reels.
Fig. 4.1 ins example picture

Below I have made some posters for advertising and marketing design placed on subways, roadsides, shopping malls, frozen food cabinets, etc. Below are the design drawings and renderings.
I designed a total of three versions and applied them to six promotional effects.

2. Billboard Advertising
design diagram:
Fig. 4.2 design diagram 1

Fig. 4.3 design diagram 2

Fig. 4.4 design diagram 3

Mobile and convenient vertical banners to be placed at the entrance of the supermarket or in the frozen food area.

1. The entrance to the supermarket is the place where customers enter the shopping environment and placing a banner here will attract their attention and increase exposure before they start shopping.

.2. Displaying banners in the frozen food section allows the product to be displayed directly next to the product in question, attracting the attention of shoppers who are already purchasing food or are ready to purchase goods. Increases the likelihood of a purchase
Fig. 4.5 application 1

Fig. 4.6 application 2

Busy thoroughfares or main streets close to shopping centres or hypermarkets.

1. Be able to accurately reach commuters, students and other people who frequently use transport.

2. Able to attract the attention of a large number of potential customers and maximise brand exposure.
Fig. 4.7 application 3

Metro is the main mode of public transport in the city and a large number of passengers pass through it every day.

1. Passengers usually stay for a few minutes to ten minutes while waiting for the train, during which time they are more likely to notice advertising content around them. Repeated exposure increases effective brand memory.

2. Convenience shops and supermarkets are located near many metro stations. Passengers can conveniently purchase OKERA BALLS after seeing the adverts, increasing the sales conversion rate.
Fig. 4.8 application 4

Fig. 4.9 application 5

Locations:Aisle of a large shopping mall
Large shopping centres attract a large number of customers every day, especially during weekends and holidays.

1. Shopping mall aisles are a must for customers, billboards can attract the attention of a large number of potential customers and increase brand exposure.

2. Customers in the shopping mall are in a shopping mindset and are more likely to feel the urge to buy when they see the advertisement, which directly increases the sales conversion rate.
Fig. 4.10 application 6

3. Website
1.The website serves as a central hub for brand information, providing detailed information about the food, nutritional facts, recipes, and more.

2. Build brand reputation and trust. A professionally designed website leaves a good impression and reassures customers of product quality.

3. Add sales locations on your web page so that customers can directly navigate to the nearest sales location to make a purchase.

Implementation Plan
Social media and billboards, websites
1.Launch a series of campaigns on Instagram and TikTok with a unified branding, along with #BrandMessage. Find influencers who are interested in collaborating and expand your audience.

2.At the same time, the design of simple and bright billboards can quickly attract attention and attract more potential customers. The billboards in the supermarket can also be combined with new product promotions to attract many real users to buy.

Develop a user-friendly website with easy navigation. Include product details, purchase options, product peripherals, and a navigation bar that provides recipes.

Create a comprehensive promotion strategy by combining social media, billboards, and a dedicated website. 

This combination of three will maximize reach and engagement and attract many potential customers.

Since this project is a continuation of Project 2, designing the merchandise was relatively easier since we had already completed the font, logo, color palette in Project 2. Here, we only need to present the surroundings of the product correctly to achieve a better visual effect. Overall, this final project was very enjoyable and fun because we got to work on a project of our own choosing.

While working on this project, I realized that the design of each item didn't have to be as complicated as I thought. It could be just a simple design using patterns and logos and still turn out great. I think one of the reasons is because we established a pretty solid branding and packaging design for the product in Project 2, so we didn’t encounter too many difficulties in this project.

When I was thinking about my merchandise, I had so many things I wanted to brand and it was hard to decide what to choose. I thought again about my food and my target audience. Since it is a vegetarian and easy to prepare food. Therefore, I want to make peripheral products into a simple and convenient product that can be carried around to increase its publicity. It can also have a good publicity effect inadvertently, like McDonald's paper bags.
